Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Hiyo from Villainfest 05 in sunny Miami. Having a great time. All the cats are; Dr. Demento, le Fromage, SuperFreak, and the organization known as B.I.T.C.H. Went to the supervillain leadership workshop and it gave me new ideas on how to deal with underperforming henchmen. Also bought some lovely toy; psionic bombs, man-eating twinkies, etc. I also had the priviledge of participating with Dr. Doom, Lex Luthor, and Dick Cheney on the future of world domination in the digital age. So till next time......

World Take Over {Not just a notion}

PS As you've seen on the view from the middle blog; I and Mister Seaberry have ceased are verbal duel and will work for the preservation of artifacts and memorbillia from the 1980's and also collaborate on a book illustrating the proper techniques in Sith pimping and intergalatic thuggery. Please join the crusade

Dr. Q Fro

1 comment:

M.Sea said...

Dr. Fro, you need a henchman that can speell, buddy. Also, what does B.I.T.C.H. stand for? Peace, man.